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Site Access Requirements

To migrate a site to Organic CMS, the team performing the migration require ample access to a number of systems within your technology stack to execute setup and a transition as smoothly as possible. Please provide the access points listed below to your migration partner.

The instructions below are written for migrations handled directly by the Organic team.

Server Migrations

Domain Registrar

In order to facilitate the transfer between servers, Organic requests access to the domain registrar, e.g. GoDaddy, NameCheap, etc. While it isn’t necessary to complete the transition, it provides us the visibility and flexibility to handle independently of your team's involvement.

How: Share admin access with

Domain Name System (DNS)

The server migration includes switching the DNS in order to point users to the new server. Popular DNS providers include Cloudflare, Amazon Route 53, etc.

How: Share admin access with

Web Hosting

After the server migration, Organic will be the new hosting provider of the website. To initiate this change, Organic requires access to the old hosting provider, e.g. WP Engine, Heroku, DigitalOcean, etc.

How: Share admin access with

Git Repositories

Access to version control repositories allows for an efficient transfer of source code.

How: Share admin access with GitHub user nebolsinp. If another version control platform is used (e.g. Bitbucket), please share admin access with

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

In order to make the server transition, Organic needs access to the CDN, e.g. Fastly, AWS Cloudfront, etc.

How: Share admin access with

CMS Migrations

Content Management System (CMS)

Regardless of your CMS, Organic will need full admin access in order to deeply understand the configurations, plugins, etc. If a site uses multiple CMS, Organic will need access to each of them.

How: Share admin access with

Google Analytics (GA4)

Regardless of your CMS, Organic will need full admin access in order to deeply understand the configurations, plugins, etc. Access to Google Analytics helps engineering and product teams evaluate site performance immediately after a site migration, and troubleshoot any issues.

How: Share admin access with

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Organic will need access to your GTM containers. Typically, Organic sets up Google Analytics via GTM, and access allows this to occur. Access also allows the team to check for and test additional integrations, and to inventory any events that may be firing on the site.

How: Share admin access with

Google Search Console (GSC)

Organic will need access to your Google Search Console account in order to monitor Core Web Vitals (CWV), Google alerts, submit sitemaps and URLs for indexing immediately following migration, and evaluate migration success.

How: Share admin access with

Database Backups

Organic uses existing database backups to create testing environments for your site prior to migration.

How: Share in Amazon S3 bucket with

Media Storage

Organic requires Media Storage access (e.g. Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, etc.) in order to ensure all images, hosted files, and other media are successfully migrated, and redirects are in place.

How: Share Media Storage access with

Source Code

Organic requires Source Code access in order to quickly parse custom themes, features, or components in order to create custom work for your site. If you are not using a Git repository for version control, please share access to the source code.

How: Share in Amazon S3 bucket with


Organic will need access to any accounts integrated with your Content Management System, including: consent management platforms (CMP), customer data platforms (CDP), data management platforms (DMP), email service providers (ESP), and third-party service providers (e.g. pop-up display management, social plugins, etc.). This access will be used to configure APIs and ensure ongoing functionality.

How: Share logins with

Site Access Checklist

To make tracking your site access sharing simple, we've created a checklist template.