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Data Migration QA Guide

This document guides users through the QA (quality assurance) process for verifying the successful migration of their data to the Organic CMS from their previous CMS.

Data Assessment Guidelines

This section provides a fundamental framework for users to assess the accuracy and completeness of their migrated data. While outlining the general QA process conducted by Organic during site migration, it emphasizes the need for collaboration with the migration team to identify specific site characteristics requiring a more detailed QA procedure.

Data Assessment Scope

When conducting QA on migrated data, it's crucial to ensure a comprehensive assessment. Specific requirements may vary, but a general guideline for most migrations recommends examining a minimum of 10 posts and 5 pages. It's also advisable to verify at least 1-2 instances of multiple post types or blocks to prevent oversight.

Data Migration QA Checklist

Content Checks

  • Authors: Confirm all authors are accounted for, and values match the prior CMS.
  • Categories: Ensure all categories are present, and values match the prior CMS.
  • Headings: Verify if H1/H2/H3 values match the prior CMS.
  • Body Text: Confirm if full text displays correctly on each page.
  • Schema Integrity: Check if default and block-based schemas are intact.
    • If CMS defaults to news schema for stories, check News schema.
    • If CMS defaults to article schema for stories, check Article schema.
  • Custom Blocks: Assess the appearance of articles with custom blocks.

URL Checks

  • Structure: Confirm URLs (homepage, categories, articles, etc.) maintain the same structure as the prior CMS.
  • Images: Verify image URL structures and representation in XML sitemaps.
  • 301 Redirects: Ensure setup for redirects if URL structures have changed.
  • Staging/Development URLs: Check for unintended URLs in Google search results.

SEO Checks

  • SEO Titles: Confirm consistency with titles from the prior CMS.
  • Meta Descriptions: Verify if meta descriptions align with the prior CMS.
  • Canonical Tags: Check if canonical tags match the prior CMS.
  • Pagination: Assess pagination alignment with SEO best practices or prior CMS configurations.