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When ads are loaded on the page, Organic Ads passes a number of targeting parameters back to the ad server (Google Ad Manager).

These key-values can be used by the ad ops team to target direct-sold campaigns, PMPs or other manually deployed ad configurations. They are also used for reporting and invetory availability checks.

managerHard coded to "organic" from our SDK. Useful for split testing.stringorganic
refresh_count0 for first ad, 1 for second ad (from refresh), etc.integer0
siteAll lower-case root domain the ad requests comes
targeting_articleUnique ID for the article or page ad request from the CMSstring69667
targeting_sectionUses the slug from the Primary Category of the article from the CMShex color codereviews
targeting_keywordsUses a list of slugs from all of the tags assigned to an article in the CMShex color codearchive,news,tech