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Organic provides robust backup infrastructure for all of its CMS and hosting customers.

Backup schedule and scope

Q: What is the frequency and scope of the backups conducted by Organic for the Organic CMS content, the Next.js frontend, and any associated databases or storage (including AWS S3)?

A: We store daily backups. The backup includes RDS snapshots and separate database backups for local development. Application source code is stored and versioned on GitHub. You can get more info about Github SLA here here.

Q: How long does Organic store these backups for?

A: We currently store backups indefinitely, meaning that we can restore a site backup from any day that you've been an Organic customer.

Backup accessibility and control

Q: How can I access these backups directly, and what are the steps to retrieve backups?

A: Backups are stored in AWS S3. Contact Organic support to get AWS credentials required to download backups. You can use AWS Console or AWS CLI to retrieve backups.

Backup restoration procedure

Q: What is the procedure for restoring from a backup? What tools or services are required for restoration, and what is the expected restoration time?

A: See the sections below for restoration by environment.

Local development backup restoration

Use the organic-cli tool to run the organic-cli restore-db-backup command to download and restore database backups into your local environment.

Staging/production backup restoration

Restore staging or production backups from an RDS snapshot via AWS Console. Note: Restoration time depends on the backup size and takes from a few minutes to an hour.

Disaster recovery plan

Q: Does Organic have a disaster recovery plan that covers scenarios where Organic's hosting infrastructure goes down? If so, what is this plan?

A: Organic follows the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) approach and stores all infrastructure configuration in code. The data recovery plan is as follows:

  • Create AWS Infrastructure resources from scratch using AWS Cloudformation templates and the AWS eksctl tool
  • Restore database(s) from backups/snapshots
  • Run the GitHub Action workflows to restore kubernetes resources
  • Run Terraform to update origins on CDN level

Self-backup guidance

Q: Can you provide guidance or tools for creating our own backups of the WordPress CMS, Next.js frontend, and databases to ensure we have an independent recovery option?

A: Contact Organic support to get the AWS credentials required to download backups from storage. You can use AWS Console or AWS CLI to retrieve these backups. Additionally, you can use the organic-cli tool to run the organic-cli make-backup command to generate a backup at any time.

How long do we store your backups for?